What to Know About Lymphedema

Blog Post
By South Valley Vascular
March 25, 2024

The lymphatic system plays a crucial role in our overall health and wellness. The purpose of our lymph system is to carry necessary fluids in and out of the heart. Failing to maintain a healthy lymphatic system can lead to many chronic health conditions. One of the conditions that can be caused by a buildup of fluids in the lymphatic system is called Lymphedema. 

Let’s take a closer look at Lymphedema, its symptoms, and how it is treated.

Lymphedema Symptoms to Know

The symptoms of Lymphedema may vary slightly depending on the severity of the issue. Lymphedema is caused by an accumulation of fluids in the body that are usually drained by the lymphatic system. These fluids usually remain in the legs, arms, chest, neck, abdomen, and genitals. 

Lymphedema symptoms are most commonly caused by cancer and cancer treatments such as radiation and surgery. Cancer cells often block lymph vessels from doing what they need to do, causing Lymphedema to develop. The elderly population, those suffering from obesity, and those with rheumatoid or psoriatic arthritis are at the highest risk for Lymphedema. 

The most common symptoms of Lymphedema include:

  • Swelling in the fingers, legs, toes, and arms
  • Restricted ability to walk, move, or extend range of motion
  • An overall feeling of inflammation, tightness, or heaviness in the body
  • Developing thicker or harder skin (also known as fibrosis)
  • General aches and pains in the legs and arms

Call your doctor at the first signs of swelling in the arms or legs. Lymphedema can lead to other potentially dangerous health complications. Some complications include:

  • Sepsis: This condition is potentially fatal. It occurs when the body attacks itself when an infection is present. 
  • Unnatural leakages through the skin: The buildup of fluid in the body can break through the skin, causing painful blistering
  • Skin infections: When fluid can’t properly move through the body, it can lead to infections. These infections can be quite painful on the skin. 
  • Cancer: While cancer often causes Lymphedema to occur, sometimes cancer, a rare form of soft tissue cancer, can develop due to untreated Lymphedema.

Lymphedema Treatment

While there are ways to treat Lymphedema symptoms, there is currently no cure. Some individuals suffering from Lymphedema struggle with extreme pain, while others don’t require intervention. In more extreme cases, prescription medication can offer short-term relief. 

In most cases, treatment for Lymphedema requires different forms of therapy. These therapies encourage the following solutions:

  • Physical therapy exercises: With physical therapy, patients can help move trapped fluids and regain proper bodily movement.
  • Compression garments: These garments work like sleeves or stockings on the body, helping to drain lymph fluid. In most cases, a prescription is needed for compression garments to ensure they are not too tight or loose. 
  • Compression bandages: The purpose of compression is to move lymph fluid back toward the trunk of the body. Bandages can fit across an entire arm or leg and press the fluids back to where they need to be. 
  • Manual drainage: Many physical therapists are trained to massage lymph fluids from swollen limbs. This can be helpful for those who currently don’t have a skin infection, active cancer, or blood clotting. 

In more extreme situations, surgical procedures may be recommended. These procedures include:

  • Lymph node transplants
  • Removal of fibrous tissue
  • New drainage paths

Treat Lymphedema At South Valley Vascular Today

Are you exhibiting symptoms of Lymphedema? Are you in pain and require medical intervention? If so, South Valley Vascular is here to help!‘

At South Valley Vascular, our medical team will help you treat the symptoms of Lymphedema. Unfortunately, there is no cure for Lymphedema. However, that doesn’t mean you need to suffer in silence. At South Valley Vascular, we will put together a treatment plan so you can get back to your life as soon as possible.

Are you ready to get started? Contact us today!