Seeking Treatment on Time: 5 Signs You May Have a Venous Leg Ulcer

Blog Post
By South Valley Vascular
July 19, 2021

There are many unfortunate side effects associated with varicose veins. While these large and protruding veins can be a cosmetic inconvenience, they can also contribute to daily aches and pains. In more severe cases, patients who have varicose veins can end up with venous leg ulcers, which can form in the skin surrounding the affected vein. If you have recently noticed any venous leg ulcer symptoms and are unsure about what steps to take next, you should consult with the expert sat South Valley Vascular Associates to learn more about effective treatment options.

What Causes Venous Leg Ulcers?

Venous leg ulcers are an uncommon but severe effect of untreated varicose veins. As pressure builds up in the veins of your legs, the blood flow to surrounding tissues becomes restricted. That can cause the tissues to die slowly, and if the issue is not treated, open wounds, or ulcers, can start to form.

Although not everyone who has varicose veins will end up with leg ulcers, there are risk factors that make some patients more likely to have them than others. These risk factors include pregnancy, obesity, smoking, a history of blood clots, a family history of chronic venous insufficiency, or a prior injury to the legs such as a broken bone or torn muscle.

5 Signs to Look Out for If You Suspect You Have a Venous Leg Ulcer

Venous leg ulcers have a few symptoms that are easy to recognize. The most common include:

  • Swelling
  • Itching and tingling sensation in the leg
  • Sense of heaviness in the affected leg
  • Darkened and discolored skin
  • An open sore with uneven borders

If you notice any of the above symptoms or a combination of them in your legs, be sure to schedule an appointment with a specialist here at South Valley Vascular Associates. We can help accurately diagnose the problem and ensure you receive the optimal treatment for your venous condition.

Effective Treatment for Venous Leg Ulcers

Anyone with varicose veins or other chronic venous insufficiency issues should seek immediate treatment if they suspect they have venous leg ulcers. Fortunately, patient scan do a few things on their own to help reduce severe issues with venous ulcers. Some of the best remedies include the following.

  • Cleaning and bandaging the ulcer when necessary
  • Thoroughly drying the surrounding skin of the ulcer
  • Wearing compression socks or stockings
  • Elevating feet above the head

The best treatment for venous ulcers, as with any other health condition, is prevention. If you have varicose veins and want to prevent leg ulcers, some necessary lifestyle change scan reduce your risk.

  • Exercise regularly
  • Eliminate salt from your diet
  • Weight loss
  • Maintain a healthy blood pressure level
  • If you smoke, stop smoking

In some severe cases, a doctor or specialist may recommend that you have surgery to treat your leg ulcers. The surgical procedure can help to improve blood circulation in the lower extremities. This improvement would allow the ulcer to heal faster and prevent similar problems from occurring in the future.

Typically if treated effectively, most venous leg ulcers will heal after 3 or 4 months. However, some leg ulcers can take longer to heal completely, while others may never clear up completely.

Venous Leg Ulcer Treatment Near Me

If you have noticed signs of a venous leg ulcer, it is recommended that you are seen by a specialist as soon as possible. At South Valley Vascular Associates, we specialize in the treatment and care for varicose veins and other serious venous issues. Give us a call today at (559) 625-4118 for more information.